A Chinese Baptist Church in North Richland Hills (Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex) of Texas, U.S.A.

讀經/靈修 Bible Reading

讀經與靈修博客Bible Reading & Devotion Blog

2019-2021 Bible Reading and Devotion Sharing Blog


  1. Whole Bible has 1189 chapters in total. Psalm 119 separate to 22 paragraphs then 1210 chs in total.
  2. Read NT 260 chs within three years, each year read NT 87 chs.
  3. 2019, 365 days; 2020, 366 days; 2021, 365 days; total 1096 days.
  4. No reading schedule for every Sunday, for we will be learning God’s words at church Sunday worship and Sunday school.  So, 1096 (3 yrs) – 156 (Sunday) = 940 days.
  5. Every Monday, beginning with Psalm and other scriptures. Most days have been scheduled for 1 chapter, some days scheduled to read 2-3 chapters.
  6. We urge all congregations to join this reading plan, and encourage you to write down a note of your own inspiration/ devotion from God’s Words every day.
  7. Church will set a website/ blog to post a Bible Reading Note for sharing to everyone. You are cordially invited to join this devotion writing plan. Please write with your own language, we will not translate it. Please contact pastor Liu to schedule the specific days (scriptures) for you to sharing.
  8. Please make the reading note/ devotion short within 300 – 500 words. (This explanation has 210 words.)


說  明

  1. 整本聖經有1189章,詩篇119篇可分為22個段落,如此,總計1210章。
  2. 新約聖經260章分三年讀,每年讀新約87章。
  3. 2019年有365天,2020年有366天,2021年有365天,共1096天。
  4. 每逢主日不排讀經進度,因為我們會在主日崇拜與主日學課程學習神的話語。如此,三年(1096天)減156個主日,為940天。
  5. 每個禮拜一,從讀一篇詩篇及別的經文開始。多數日子每天讀聖經一章,部分日子每天讀2-3章聖經。
  6. 教會期許每一位弟兄姊妹都參與在這個讀經計畫中,並且鼓勵您每天都寫下您自己的讀經心得或靈修日誌。
  7. 教會會設立一個網頁博客,用以張貼分享讀經心得。誠摯地邀請您加入這個靈修日誌計畫。請用您自己的語言寫作,我們不作翻譯。若您有意願,請聯絡劉牧師以安排洽當的日期(經文)。
  8. 請簡短寫作靈修日誌、讀經心得,每篇在300-500字左右。 (此說明書含標點約350字)