A Chinese Baptist Church in North Richland Hills (Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex) of Texas, U.S.A.

主日學校 Sunday School

       主日學上課時間 Sunday School Class Hour:

         A. 主日Sunday 09:50 a.m. ~ 11:30 p.m.
           嬰幼Babies (1~18 months) (Nursery Room, 1F, room 102)

         B. 主日Sunday 10:30 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m.
           幼幼Toddler (18 months~2 yrs) (1F, room 106)
           幼童Toddler (3~5 yrs) (1F, room 101)

         C. 主日Sunday 10:30 a.m. ~ 12:10 p.m.
           兒童,初小Children (1~3 grader) (2F, room 202)
           兒童,高小Children (4~5 grader) (2F, room 203)

         D. 主日Sunday 11:30 a.m. ~ 12:20 p.m.
           青年英 語  組 Youth English (2F, Youth Hall)
             成主英 語  組 English adults (2F, room 201)
           迎  新  座  談 Welcome, New Friends (Lobby/ Foyer)
           成主國語A組 Chinese adults 研經 I (Sanctuary front rows)
           成主國語B組 Chinese adults 研經 II (2F, room 202)
           成主國語C組 Chinese adults 基礎查經 (2F, room 203)
           成主國語D組 Chinese adults 福音班 (1F, room 105)


 教室位置圖 PDF (下載)


–。《佈告欄》《Black Board》。–

成主國語組 Adults Chinese Sunday School

約翰壹貳叁書 (R 202):葉衛平 弟兄
歷代志上 (R203):劉再生
基督化家庭 (會堂):劉趙秀娟 師母
迎新座談 (R 105):林怡姊妹

Adults English Sunday School

English (R201): Brother Joshua Liu


Letter for Parents

May 10, 2014

Dear Glory Chinese Baptist Church families,

1. Starting in month of May, children (Toddlers to 5th graders)  will be dismissed from the fellowship hall at 12:30pm.

2. Parent/responsible party will sign out their children in the fellowship hall. ( sign out sheet is placed at the front door of fellowship hall)

3. Children are not allowed to leave the fellowship hall except bathroom while they are waiting for the responsible party to sign them out. Responsible party is the one who bring the children to Sunday School or their names are registered in our registration form. If you do not fill one out, please find Alan or one of the teacher to fill out the form and return the registration form to Alan.

4. After 12:30 pm / once responsible party sign the children out, children are under  responsible party’s supervision.

5. Please do not allow your children to run in the hallway or play roughly like slamming door , pushing around, hitting…etc.

6. Do not let children go to playground without adult’s supervision.

In Summer time, (June to August), the following changes will be made due to low census:

a. Toddlers to Kindergarteners will be combined and meet at room 101.

b. 1-5 graders will be combined and meet at room 201.

c. August 4th to 8th, we will have Vacation Bible School (VBS). It starts from 2-5 p.m.  5-6 pm is pick up time for children (Preschoolers to 5th graders), Toddlers must be toilet trained or their responsible party is volunteer and he/she will stay in church during VBS. More details will be followed.

Finally, we are in the process to select a comprehensive Children Sunday School curriculum so that toddler to 5 th graders will use the same Sunday School publisher. We want to improve carryover and enrich our  parents’s skills  and resources to teach their children the word of God beyond Sunday School time. It will be Bible based, Jesus centered and children have to use Bible in Sunday School.

Therefore, make sure your children will bring their Bible to the class. Once a curriculum is selected, I will let everyone know what Bible version we will be using.

P.S. I do not have everyone emails  if  someone is not on the list or you want me to delete your email from the list above, please let me know.


Alan Yam
Education Committee Chair




1.  育嬰事奉由一位負責同工及一位助理負責,每位家長輪流擔位助理。除了輪值助理外,所有家長在您的寶寶送到育嬰室後,應到會堂參加崇拜。若您的寶寶有特別需要,我們會請您過來協助。

2.  基於安全考量,當您的寶寶送到育嬰室後,我們會給您和寶寶各一個姓名卡。當您要接回寶寶時,務須將該姓名卡交還給負責同工或輪值助理。

3.  每個寶寶都需要一個標記了姓名的置物袋,內裝尿片、奶瓶、奶粉或果汁,及一件更換的衣服。

4.  歡迎餵母奶的母親隨時來餵您的寶寶。

5.  如果寶寶生病或身體不適,請留在家中照顧,以尊重並保護別的寶寶避免被感染。

6.  崇拜結束,家長請即刻接回寶寶。負責同工與輪值助理須清理育嬰室及玩具。



榮耀華人浸信會育嬰室  敬啟 2011, 11, 6

A Note From The Nursery

Dear Parents,

We invite you and your family to join us each week to experience Jesus’ love and learn Biblical truths in a peaceful and joyful environment.  Childcare in nursery is provided for age 1-12mo during our worship service on Sunday.  In order to help us better organize our work, please follow the rules below.  Thank you for your help and support.

1.  There will be one leader and one co-worker responsible to take care of the infants.  Parents will take turns to serve as a co-worker.  Except the co-worker, parents please attend the worship service after you sign in your child. We will call you in case your child needs your help.

2.  For security purpose, every time you sign in your child, we will give both you and your child a card and a sticker with your child’s name on them.  When you pick up your child, please be sure to bring back your card and return to the leader/co-worker.

3.  Please bring your diaper bag (labeled with your child’s name), diapers, feeding bottle with formula or juice, and an extra changing clothing.

4.  Breast feed moms are welcome anytime.

5.  If your child is sick or is not feeling well, please stay home for recovering to show your care and respect to the others.

6.  Parents should pick up your child right after worship service.  Leader and co-worker will clean up the room and toys, etc…

Parents, God has gifted each of us with unique talents and abilities to serve those around us.  Serving others helps us grow in our spirituality.  We encourage you to make a difference in your family and in your life by getting involved at Glory CBC.  Our children’s ministry is short of co-workers.  We need your help! To volunteer with children’s ministry, please contact Pastor Liu or Deacon Yam.  Thank you.

May God bless you and your family.

The Nursery of Glory CBC 11-6-2011


幼兒主日學會議       2010/8/29主日於Glory CBC

1. 分班安排:
* Baby & Toddler Class (幼兒班):      1-3 歲(在嬰兒室)
* Pre-School Class (學前班):               4-5歲(暫與幼兒一同上課,待新堂落成後再分班)
* 現有幼兒: Samuel & Ethan、Silvia、Rachel、Angela & Benjamin、
Charisa & Carina、Andrew & Joel、Jennifer

2. 教材:使用1 & 2 歲課本

3. 幼兒班時間:約40-45 分鐘,於11:50 結束
11:00-11:05     問候/讚美/唱歌 (約2 首歌,Alan 預備CD player)
11:05-11:15     聖經故事 (請參考教材)
11:15-11:20     茶點小食
11:20-11:35     Art/Games (請參考教材)
11:35-11:45     Toys時間 (自由時間,彈性安排)
11:45-11:50     Clean up (清潔時間)

4. 教學形式:以中/英語教授

5. 課程開始:9月份第二個主日,課程為期三個月,如需要於一個月後開會跟進。

6. 導師安排:9月 Sandy and Jojo;10月 Xiao Li and Alan,11月 待定。

7. 教室安排:主日學分班時間,幼兒才進入嬰兒室上課(如年齡小的幼兒需要家長陪同上課,建議只1位)。

8. 教具安排:於嬰兒室放置膠盒(內放嬰兒物件,如玩具,請各同工小心保存。)